Every month Leroy and I go to the duplex that Katie and her family live in to clean up the yard and alley. Like most Rent Assistance tenants, she is more indignant than appreciative. Filth surrounds this woman and she parks her car in her back yard.
She happened to be outside when I was leaving so I asked her why her place was always so filthy. She told me it was the neighbors upstairs. I responded that my cleaning routine predates the new tenants. She didn't have a comeback so I
encouraged her to take a little pride in where she lived and then I left.

3 hours later, I get a text that says: "Don,t
apprecated the way u talked to me don,t ever say anything to me again."
Really??? Suggesting that she "take a little pride in where you (she) live(s)" gets me the silent treatment for life? Imagine if I would have told this pugnacious malcontent that her place looks like the Augean Stable?
On a side note, there is $2 million a month spent on Rent Assistance in the City of Milwaukee.