Dear landlord:
I can't afford to pay the rent, so I'm moving. Years ago, I was giddy with excitement over the Obama/Biden ticket. I was a little younger then and just starting out on my life's adventure. I had an unskilled job, a crappy car and you rented me this small apartment. Life was tough and I was living check to check but I was able to support my family and I was so optimistic about the future.
Now, a few years later, gas prices have made owning a car impossible for me, I've lost my job, energy and food prices are rising faster than I can keep up with and my family is becoming a permanent fixture of the urban poor.
And while similar stories to mine are played out 1,000s of times a day, all across America-what are the ass-clowns I voted for talking about? A farcical gun show loophole, The Rubio Watergate and school lunches.
For now my family is moving in with my sister. Hopefully, I'll get back on my feet and be renting again within 6 months but I'm not as optimistic about the future as I once was.